

In this paper, efforts were made to assess the impact of full and seasonal stall feedingtechnology on households’ milk production and consumption, market participation (animal and animal product sale) in Northern Ethiopia using data obtained from the survey of 518 rural farmers. The overall result indicated that SF adoption ensures significant gains in terms of the specified outcome indicators. Using endogenous switching regression models, we estimate different outcome indicators for both adopters from adoption (ATT), and non-adopters had they adopted (ATU). It is identified that there would be a decline of 21% in milk production and productivity if adopters would not have adopted this technology while nonadopters are estimated to increase their milk production and productivity by 100% and 48% if they would adopt this technology. The results further show that SF adoption had a significant increment in lactation period. An increase of consumption expenditure by 17% from FSF and 44% in the case of SSF could be considered significant on livelihoods for smallholder farmers. The adoption of SF increased the likelihood of participating in an animal sale market by 29% for adopters and by 47% for non-adopters had they decided to adopt.




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