

Globalization modifies a concrete way of creating New Economy which is the economy with modern communication networks, where competitiveness is determined by the ability to transform information into knowledge and intelligence. In times of economic globalization and foundation of so-called ,,New Economy" it is expected that Man will have possibilities to spread freely, utilise and accept information and knowledge, use potential of information-communication technologies not only on behalf of economic growth but also for provision of sustainable development, improvement quality of life and protection of human rights. Except of the fact that New Economy brings new opportunities for satisfying human need, it also brings some risks and negative moments. Its task is to focus the attention not only economic growth but also on economic development and responsible replies to the questions for example, if it provides dignified conditions for citizens of modern world; what is the role of entrepreneurship in development of countries but also in the whole planet; and also to consider the ways by which entrepreneurial subjects try to satisfy human need, the ways by which the profit is divided, as well as the work and social product among particular participants in the market or among all the citizens of our planet. Social responsibility of entrepreneurship becomes the global challenge for all the entrepreneurial subjects. Their duty is to get adjusted to new conditions of the global market and try to profit by the socially responsible actions.




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