

This paper deals with the problems of development of agrarian foreign trade in the Central European region. The subject of this paper is an analysis of agrarian trade development of selected Central-European countries (the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, and Poland - referred to in the text as the V4 countries - because these states are the founders and members of the Visegrad Group). The paper analyses not only the foreign trade relations among these countries, but also considerable development trends in the agrarian trade of particular V4 countries within the EU-27 and behind this area. Besides the changes in the territorial structure of the agrarian trade, attention is also paid to the development analysis of the value of the change of agrarian foreign trade. Furthermore, the development of kilogram prices and the volume of agrarian exports and imports are analysed. Moreover, the problems of the commodity structure of foreign trade exchange are briefly outlined. The paper is written as a part of the research project VZ 6046070906 granted by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MSMT CR).




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