

Local production of Poultry products in St. Lucia is uncompetitive. However, the industry does have the potential to contribute meaningfully to, amongst other things, Gross Domestic Product and employment. An comparison of the cost of producing broiler meat in St Lucia with producing it in Trinidad and Tobago enables the identification of key cost disadvantages, such as feed and packaging costs, which, if improved, could enhance the competitiveness of the local industry significantly. St. Lucia remains generally uncompetitive with regards to imports from the USA even after adjustment for cost disadvantages. However, the competitive position as was indicated by the Nominal Protection Coefficient (NPC), improved significantly vis-à-vis imports of broiler products from Trinidad and Tobago after adjustments for cost disadvantages were made. The recommendations include improving plant capacity utilisation, the procurement of packaging materials, feed and chicks from cheaper sources and at bulk rates. The development of pluck shops would reduce significant costs such as electricity. Recommendations also included policies changes such as the removal of the current 20% import regime, the commissioning of a study to determine the optimum market structure of the broiler industry, and the development of niche marketing strategies.




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