

This study aims at contributing to identifying technological innovation opportunities, as well as the characteristics of the assimilation processes of soybean production. The concept of absorptive capacity (AC) provides the theoretical lens for analyzing the empirical evidence that was collected. AC implies that the organization recognizes the value of knowledge as a resource, absorbing, assimilating and modifying it in order to transform it into economic returns. In this study, we analyzed the assimilating process of new technologies of three large rural companies in Campo Novo do Parecis, municipality located in the largest soybean producing state of Brazil - Mato Grosso. Micro-level aspects were considered, i.e., the closest and direct contacts of the property in the countryside, in search for new technologies. The conducted interviews were based on five analysis categories regarding the subject, comprising history and background, need to learn, market and environment effects, and internal factors that influence the absorptive capacity and its results. We identified several sources to which the companies seek knowledge for their productive activities, as well as the process that involves acquisition, assimilation and results. The study contributes on portraying the reality involving the AC in a context understudied in the molds of what was proposed here.




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