

he “avgotaracho Messologgiou” PDO is a traditional product with protected des- ignation of origin of which quality control based on the experience of the producers. This is salted, semi-dried whole ovaries of Mugil cephalus that caught during species spawning seaward migration in the barrier traps of the well-defined lagoon system of Mesolonghi-Etolikon. In the present study a description of the processing stages of the above product was conducted. Results showed t hat fresh ovaries drying on ambient air according to climatic conditions for approximately 8 days (mean 7.7 days), up to a weight reduction of about 33.63% (SD: 4.3%) of the initial weight. Thereafter, dried ovaries pass through the waxed-coating stage in which dried weight increased about 20.1% (SD: 4.3%). Although quality control is based on the experience of the produc- ers, processing stages were characterized by high accuracy. The effect of climatic con- ditions on the processing stages was also analysed and discussed. The certification of the product as PDO would safeguard the traditional character of the product against the imports of frozen roes of M. cephalus originating by other regions due to the global expansion of the species.




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