

The purpose of this research was to analyze the situation that prevails with respect to the labor area for women in the rural sector derived from the study of graduates of the Bachelor in Agrotechnological Administration at the Faculty of Agrotechnological Sciences of the Autonomous University of Chihuahua. This study was carried out based on a case analysis, which universe was composed of 83 graduates from the generations that studied in the 2006-2010 cohort. From that group 64% were men and 36% women, aspect that marks a trend in the population that study to attain a degree related to the agricultural sector, since in the curriculum subject of study, 35% of the students are women. Likewise, the number of graduates from the Bachelor in Agrotechnological Administration that work is 27%, higher than the national average of labor that is 11% for women in the sector. The research was of a mixed nature, because interviews and surveys techniques were used and compared by gender. It should be noted that while 67% of women are unemployed, 70% of men are not, aspect that reflects the cultural difference and inequality that prevails in terms of job opportunities that exist by gender.




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