

Biological control of insect pests in the Caribbean dates back to the early 1900s, In spite of many failures, several parasites and predators have been successfully established in Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean Islands, for the control of crop pests. Some have provided complete control, while the others have reduced the pest populations considerably and have paved the way for further introductions, and ultimately the economic control of those pests. In 1974 the biological control of insect pests of horticultural crops in Barbados was reported. Since then a number of other natural enemies were established in Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean islands. This paper discusses the biological control of the major pests of sugar cane and of some commonly grown crucifers, cucurbits and vegetable crops in the Eastern Caribbean. ----- EI control hioidgico de insectos plaga, en el Caribe se llevd a cabo desde los a'ilos 1900, en las islas de Barbados y en las del Caribe Oriental. A pesar de muchos fracases, exsiste un gran niimero de par/sitos y predatores, los euales se han establecido con gran




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