

Gibberellic acid (GA ) may be used to prolong dormancy in yams, D. alata and thus extend the shelf-life of treated tubers. The feasibility of using this treatment commercially, was assessed by comparing the break even cost of treated tubers with the average retail price. Three GA3 treatments: SO ppm for 24 hours, 100 ppm for 21 hours and 500 ppm for 9 hours. and two treatment dates: January and April, were considered. The most economic an practical treatment was found to be 100 ppm GA3 for 21 hours, applied in April. This treatment resulted In an extension of dormancy for 10 weeks, and the tubers were available until July. ----- Fstudios hechos en Trinidad han demostrado que el acido gibberellico GA3, prol?nga el perfodo de in~~tividad en tuberculos de D. alata por lOa 17 semanas, dependiendo del tiempo del tratarnrento y la concentracion de .GA3 usada. Aqu( se discute el resultado de tratar !fames en enero y abril, Un an1lisis breve del eosto del. trata.m..~nto dernuestra que serra econdrnicarnente factible tratar tuberculos con 100 ppm GA3 para prolongar su disponibilidad por 10 semanas mas.




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