

A critical review of the agronomic practices performed in pineapple cultivation is conducted. These practices include selection of varieties, propagation, treating of planting materials, land preparation, planting and spacing, fertiliser uses, weed control, pest and disease control, forcing, pruning and harvesting. The practices are closely examined and include how they are conducted, their advantages and setbacks, if any. Post-harvest handling includes preparation for market, packaging, storage and transportation. A new and exciting technique that has a lot of promise for the future of pineapple is also discussed. The technique, known as waxing, is gaining tremendous popularity among pineapple exporters. The export market is dominated by two (2) countries within the Caricom region and extra regional trade accounts for a little more than 0.10 percent of total exports. The major source of transportation is via air-freight. Constraints to the export trade are also stated. Discussion then surrounds several reasons why, though promising, pineapple production has declined in Guyana in recent years. Prospects for the future are then mentioned.




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