

The processing of fruits and vegetables, in the Caribbean context, should have the objective of exploiting the inherent conditionlow capitalization, abundant tropical heat, and fruits and vegetables possessing some of the world's most exotic flavors. The region's chronically low level of funding precludes elaborate processing facilities in many of the island states and territories. Fortunately, success does not necessarily correlate with the magnitude of the investment, and size and quality are not synonymous. All fruits may be "candied" by simple, natural or artificial dehydration; all juices can be easily fermented into wine; all starchy vegetables can be readily converted to "instant" flakes, meals and powders. These processes are examples of relatively inexpensive technologies that are capable of adding high value to cheap produce. Universal models, seldom adaptable to small-scale production, will fail, given the region's limiting population size and rawmaterials resource base. Unique Caribbean models, of the order of cottage industries, relying principally on the indigenous and regional markets, accordingly modified to accommodate the cheapest means of inter-island transport, need to be advanced. Continental trade will inevitably follow. First principles of such a model should be good manufacturing practices, common regulatory standards, and enforcement mechanisms.




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