

Food loss occurs along the entire food chain, including losses at wholesale and retail markets. Among retail markets, supermarkets have important roles in food chains since they are located close to the end of the food chain. In developing countries, supermarkets are increasing, and are making a significant contribution to national retail food sales. Along with rapid development, food loss occurs in significant amounts in supermarkets since they sell large quantities of food. This paper aims to review and estimate food loss and food waste in Indonesian supermarkets focusing on fresh fruit and vegetables, fish and meat products. First we review food loss in supermarkets from the previous literature. Then we report on a case study conducted with a leading supermarket in Indonesia in order to estimate its food loss and its efforts to prevent the amount of food loss. Reducing food loss in supermarkets is an important issue in terms of the efforts to increase profit in supermarkets, to increase income for small farmers supplying to supermarkets, and to improve food security in urban areas, as well as avoid environmental problems caused by food waste.




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