

In this article we examined the proliferation and rapid development of domestic agriculture integrated structures of holding type. We analyzed the impact of these entities on the overall functioning of the agricultural sector, rural development and the environment. We found premise overconcentration the agricultural production and land resources, namely the formation of a new system of technological and economic relationships between agrarian producers and processors; changing principles of relations between industrial enterprises and corporations with a common institutional system of the state; change the ownership structure of the agricultural sector; restructuring of production, which allows you to consolidate investment funds; the concentration distribution of agroindustrial production through various technological and organizational forms (specialization, diversification, combining horizontal and vertical integration). We based the comparison of alternative viewpoints relation to production overconcentration concluded based on this combination of high performance indicators of individual branches of domestic agriculture with increased dependence on imported processed food products, environmental impacts of modern agricultural production. In this article we scientifically grounded suggestions for future development of integrated structures and the concentration of resources in the context of economic, environmental and social orientation of their production activities.




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