

The paper begins by attempting to acknowledge as many of those persons and organizations worldwide who or which contributed output and activities that helped in the distillation of ideas that helped to formulate this school of thought. The paper also outlines the four (4) assumptions underlying the philosophy of the "Open School of Tropical Animal Science and Production" (OSTASP), and the six (6) elements of the Philosophy. The Mission Statement of the OSTASP is "To contribute towards the continued production, utilization and conservation of Tropical Animal Resources for the benefit of humanity". The Membership of the OSTASP would consist of 1] The Founders [Garcia and Archibald], 2] Foundation Scholars, 3] Scholars, 4] Fellows, 5] Associates, 6] Student Members, 7] Cooperate Members, 8] Institutional Members, 9] Farmer Members, and 10] Ordinary Members. The Suggested Approach of the OSTASP will have the following elements: (i) an increased dialogue between in situ and ex situ wildlife conservation efforts (the bringing together of the different human elements, the advancing of the humanizing project = the Trialectic); (ii) the intensive production of species with the potential for domestication; (iii) the utilization of animal biotechnology for the conservation of useful genes from within the existing wildlife gene-pool; (iv) the expanded research into the anatomy (digestive and reproductive), health and husbandry of wildlife species; (v) the development of an International Network on Wildlife [Non-domestic animal] research and development, which would include Zoos, Conservation Parks, Universities, Research Institutions, and Private Collections; and (vi) the use of the CGIAR International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI) Network Model could be used as the basis for setting up the Tropical Animal Science Integrated Network [TASIN], In order to give the OSTASP life all members would be invited to belong to a Web Based Community. Within this community network members could then be of service to each other while we collectively attempt to advance the Mission of the OSTASP, which is "To contribute towards the continued production, utilization and conservation of Tropical Animal Resources for the benefit of humanity"




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