

Sorrel (Hibiscus sabdariffa) also known as Roselle, is in the malvaceae family and popular in the Caribbean as a seasonal beverage. The objective of the research was to compare sorrel F1 and F4 hybrids as it relates to calyx length, width and spur size. The deep colored fleshy calyces were collected and evaluated from KxT F1 and TxK F1 and F4 lines that were field established in June. Overall the TxK hybrids had darker fruit then the KxT lines. Varieties TxK F1 and KxT F1 had the same fruit length which was significantly longer than the hybrid TxK F4 line. The calyx width among these hybrids was not statistically different. The epicalyx or spur length for the KxT F1 line was significantly longer than the TxK lines. Hybrid vigor was evident in the F1 lines for fruit length but is diluted by the F4 generation. This research was supported by USDA-Hatch and USDA-NIFA-Insular Tropical Grant funds.




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