

The Kansas Farm Management Association (KFMA) is an organization affiliated with Kansas State University that maintains a database of annual production and financial data on Kansas farms stretching back to 1973. The KFMA surveyed farms, beginning in fall of 2015, on the adoption, utilization, and abandonment of ten precision agriculture technologies. The technologies examined in the survey included yield monitor (with and without GPS), lightbar guidance, automated guidance system, automated section control, variable rate application (fertilizer and seed), and precision soil sampling. Given the advancements in precision agriculture technology it is important to identify how older, obsolete technologies have been abandoned and/or replaced by newer ones. This study uses a sample of 348 farm-level observations to identify patterns of adoption, upgrading, and abandonment of precision agriculture technology on Kansas farms. This study identifies a farm’s conditional probability of adopting technology given previous adoption of other technologies. Additionally, sequential probabilities were estimated to provide insight on the order, or sequence, of adoption.




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