

A consumer panel of 1,500 participants, theoretically representative of all U.S. households, were surveyed during one full year (February 1969 to January 1970) to obtain a complete record of fish purchases. This report summarizes the purchase patterns for fresh and frozen fish and shellfish. The more distinct differences in purchases among households are due to race, religion, region, and age of the head of the household. On a per capita basis, Negro households purchased well over twice the amount of fresh and frozen seafoods as white households, while Jewish households used about twice the amount as Catholic and Protestant households. Most of these products were found to be rather localized in usage, although a few-- notably shrimp--retained a national market. In households where the age of the household head was over 45 years, purchases of fresh and frozen products were distinctly greater than in those with younger household heads. Purchases of fish meals in restaurants were definitely srelated to income level, in addition to the above factors.




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