The study showed Pat the world is In need of the sustainable development, either the rich the poor countries. Also. Showed that the goal of the sustainable development is to reach the improvement of the quality of the human life while living within the carrying capacity of supporting Ecosystems. It was concluded that equity concept is an important component of virtually all definitions of sustainable development. Equity for human generations yet to come. interests are not represented by standard economic analyses and equity for people living now who do not have equal access to natural resources or to social and economic goods. The analysed the conflicts between these two bees of equity.
Reaching the goal of sustainable development requires simultaneous Progress along at least four dimentions. These are :Economic dimention. Human dimention. Environmental dimention and Technological dimention,. There are close linkages among these dimentions. and actions in one area can reinforce goals in another.
Sustainable development will require fundamental change in existing policies. And Practices , Such change will not come easily. and will not come at all without strong leadership and continued efforts of people in many counties.
The four dimentions concluded from the analyses of the study are. Applicable to all nations. But at different weights, which require further studies. However the people should not be woven around development . but development should be woven for people