The basis of existing of agriculture farms in the condition of free market is their ability for competition.
Membership of Poland in EU structures enabled gaining new aid grants for farm producers within CAP.
To 2004 polish agriculture was characterized by used and depreciated farm equipment. Next programs as
SAPARD, SOP, RADP enabled to fulfill some modernize obligations. In the article the use of modernization
support in 2209 farms on Lower Silesia in division for area groups and poviats has been presentend in period
2007-2013. Basically bigger units have used modernization funds. Average values of financial support per
1 ha of UAA in poviats were lower than level of direct payments. The highest share of EU financial support
was used by bigger farms, moreover the quota of modernization cash flow was also directed to higher acreage
farms. Beneficiaries of modernization support improved management processe in farms, optymalized unit
costs of energy and labour and become more competitive. The study confirmed serious variability of UE
financial support on the level of districts.