The main objective of this paper is to evaluate the innovative behavior of enterprises located in
rural areas of Lubelskie Voivodeship. The results presented and the analysis are based on the research project
entitled “Intellectual Capital of Lublin Region 2010-2013.” It was conducted by the Statistical Office in
Lublin at the request of the Marshal Office in Lubelskie Voivodeship under Priority VIII Regional Human
Resources, Measure 8.2 Transfer of Knowledge, Sub-Measure 8.2.2 Regional Innovation Strategies of the
Human Capital Programme for the years 2007-2013. An analysis of research shows that the innovation of
enterprises in the region of Lublin is at a very low level. An unfavorable phenomenon is the low share of
foreign capital in the financing of expenditure, as well as a small degree of cooperation between research
institutes and enterprises located in rural areas.