

In Durango State, Mexico, the production of beans is usually performed under adverse condition including: use of expensive and polluting chemical fertilizers, agriculture lands poor in organic material and erratic rainfall conditions. All this adversely affects the environment, the physical and economic returns and which expression is a low standard of living of farmers. To assist in improving these conditions and reduce environmental damage, this study was implemented with the aim of analyzing the economic feasibility of the use of mycorrhiza (Glomus Intraradices)and chemical fertilizer on beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) under rainfed conditions, in the spring-summer seasons of 2008 and 2009. The transfer of technology was done by researchers of the National Institute of Forestry, Agricultural and Livestock Research (INIFAP) - Valle del Guadiana and productions was in direct seeding with producers under their own productions system. The evaluation was carried out in the municipalities of Guadalupe Victoria,Cuencame, Peñon Blanco and Panuco de Coronado of the Durango state, Mexico. In the economic evaluation the methodology known as "Partial Budget" of CIMMYT was used. The results indicate that mycorrhizal fertilization practices are recommended for rainfed bean producers because the benefits outweight the costs incurred by doubling the rates of return.




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