The paper is an attempt at evaluating the degree of accuracy of realization of the project: distance learning centres in rural areas financed from the European Social Fund in the frame of the priority II: Development of knowledge-based society, action 2.1.: Broadening the access to education – promotion of lifelong learning; scheme a: decreasing educational inequalities between urban and rural areas. The aims of the project in question include: 1. centres in rural areas (in order to enable the final beneficiaries to use the available distance learning programs) 2. resources. 3. Creation by the draughtsman, of a countrywide network of distance learning centres using the existing IT infrastructure with units running distance learning. 4. Enabling the final beneficiaries to complement or increase the level of education in the form of Creation and equipment with computers and internet connection, of at least 250 distance learning Employment in the centres of qualified staff whose task would be to help using the centre’s distance learning especially at the post-gymnasium level.