

Sweden and Finland as two neighbouring forestry countries are compared. Despite the widely similar features of forestry sectors, some interesting differences are found. In Finland, the economic dependence on and the people's involvement in the forestry sector are wider than in Sweden. For instance, there are almost double as many family forest owners in Finland as in Sweden. Decision making is more centrally organised in Finland than in Sweden. On the other hand, more normative control and general enhancement of rural entrepreneurship is employed in Sweden, whereas Finland relies more on direct financial support for rural sectors. The structural change in forest industry has progressed further in Finland than in Sweden and the dependence on imported wood is greater in Finland. The financing of nature conservation increased during the 1990's strongly in both countries and was on average at a slightly higher level in Finland than in Sweden. Since 1999, however, the conservation financing level has increased remarkably in Sweden. Eight out of ten of the general public in both Finland and Sweden see that forests are very or rather well managed. The impression is that forestry is practised slightly more intensive in Finland than in Sweden. Also the forestry net revenues have been since the end of 1990's higher in Finland.




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