

The mam purpose of this study is to provide the Brazilian Government wt th quantified projections of country demand for, production of, and trade m important agricultural commod1t1es. Under current conditions, Brazil Will have to import massive amounts of food m the next decade. The objective of satisfymg internal demand can be met by increasing yields and removal of restrictive policies. 111e results point to the continuation of low levels of per capita consumption. Policymakers must therefore turn to ways of improving the producer's expectation of better relative pnce conditions, maintain a realistic foreign exchange rate, and take measures to subs1d1ze food for the low income population. The idea of doubhng food production by 1995 to allow the country to be free of the risk limit of food scarcity and the dependence on foreign markets also requires the transformation of trad1t1onal farming methods through the use of higher yielding technologies. Agricultural research and extens10n will play an important role in the modernization process. Heavy investment will also be necessary for 1rr1gatmg crop land and the incorporat10n of new land areas.




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