The fundamental nature of decision-making on the African farm is analytically
similar to decision-making anywhere. The decision-maker has control
over a number of factors or resources which he can define quantitatively and
qualitatively more or less precisely according to their nature and the relevant
time horizon, and, subject to a series of constraints and influences, he
has a range of choices in his use of these factors to achieve several identifiable
objectives. To synthesize an African farm would be to identify and
value these resources, objectives, constraints and the choice of crops and
techniques, it being taken as axiomatic that smallholders make rational decisions
and respond to economic incentives. However, too little is known about
the competition for farm resources and the nature of farmers' aims and constraints
to accurately evaluate the efficiency of their decisions,and the
limited aims of this paper are: to examine the nature and interactions of the
variables involved, drawing on the insights provided by observations of adjustments
to economic pressures recorded in a number of investigations into African
farming; and to indicate interesting areas for further research. l/ But first
a note on the decision unit with which we are concerned.