

Privatne farme čine najveći broj farmi u Republici Srbiji i posjeduju najveći dio obradivog zemljišta. Zbog svoje veličine, većina ovih farmi nema ekonomsku budućnost. Međutim, treba naglasiti da se u ovoj skupini izdvajaju komercijalne farme koje se bave intenzivnom ratarskom i/ili stočarskom proizvodnjom. Ove farme imaju perspektivu opstanka i razvoja. Cilj istraživanja bio je istražiti u grupi komercijalnih farmi položaj najvećih. Istraživanje je obavljeno na uzorku od 52 farme koje su činile 5 fokus grupa. Rezultati pokazuju da se uspješne farme bave proizvodnjom mlijeka i tovom junadi, ali imaju i prihode izvan poljoprivrede. Smatraju da poslovno okruženje nije uređeno na najbolji način, kao i da se položaj farmi u marketinškom lancu pogoršava. Komunikaciju sa znanstvenim institucijama, savjetodavnom službom i dolaženje do informacija smatraju vrlo značajnim. Farmeri procjenjuju da će oko trećine farmi opstati u budućnosti. Doći će do strukturnih promjena i obrazovanje će biti sve značajnije......Private farms make up the largest number of farms in the Republic of Serbia and own the most of arable land. Because of their size, many of these farms have no economic future. However, it should be noted that in this group there are commercial farms that are intensively involved in agricultural farming and/or livestock production. These farms have the prospect of sustaining and developing. The aim of the research was to investigate the position of largest cattle farms in the family group of commercial farms. The survey was conducted on a sample of 52 farms which made 5 focus groups. The results show that successful farms are dealing with milk production and fattening cattle, but they also have income outside agriculture. They consider that the environment for business is not regulated in the best manner and the position of farms in the marketing chain is deteriorating. Communication with research institutions, extension services seems to be very important. Farmers estimate that about one third of farms will survive in the future. Structural changes in agriculture will take place and education will be more important.




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