At the end of the XX century, in the countries with developed market
economy is more and more present the assertion that beyond its fundamental function
(production of food and fibbers), agriculture can create landscapes, manage
to the non-renewable natural resources and environmental protection, and can also
contribute to the socio-economic development of the rural areas. Within the European
Union countries (EU), rural policy as a starting point has renewal of all links
between agriculture and nature in order to secure sustainable development, protect
the agro-environment and preserve the food quality and safety. Based on that, the
concept of agriculture sustainability was developed (or bio-economy), integrated
into the concept of sustainable development of the whole economy.
Survival and development of modern agriculture have found at crossroad, faced
with the essential requirements of economic and environmental efficiency achievement,
in other words profitability of production with minimal risk of environment
damage. The process of EU enlargement and perspectives for Serbia, which
derive from that, refer to the fact that in future development of domestic farms,
business economics will occupy one of the crucial positions. Accordingly, the
manager of agricultural husbandry must use appropriate methods, techniques
and models for economic sustainability of agriculture evaluation, in order to be
sure that financial assets of the farm are correctly invested (that they will achieve
the best results).
According the importance of natural resources, significance of agriculture, as
well as strategic priority of its effectiveness and sustainability for the development
of the Upper Danube region (in other words Sombor city and Apatin and Bač municipalities), therefore in this paper evaluation of economic sustainability on the family husbandries within the aforementioned protected zone in the Republic of Serbia was presented. Considering microeconomic character of this work, the IDEA methodology (Indicateurs de Durabilité des Exploitations Agricoles) was used.