

The neo-liberalistic restructuring policy of the coalition government of the Liberal Democratic Party and the Buddhist Komeito for paddy and rice farming for the last years, which didn't reflect actual small family farming structures, has suffered a setback by a counterattack of the political opposition. First of all a comprehensive development of paddy farming, which contributes to stable food security for Japan, is the problem which now confronts us, and simultaneously should provide a place of work and agricultural income regardless of the amount for permanent residents. The transformation of the single crop farming of rice to diversified crop rotation in a cycle of paddy and normal fields should be the basis of changing production methods. The direction of the policy for paddy farming should be changed to support backbone family farms. The Japanese government can take advantage of border restrictions for rice through an import-prohibiting tariff (¥341/kg). Every year before the planting season, the government should propose the target market price for rice, which covers the average cost of production, and mobilize all political measures to maintain a respectable price level, e.g. the set-aside of acreage under food-rice cultivation and the market intervention of buffer-stock and reserves. In addition, the government should establish a deficient payment system for rice and other strategic crops, namely wheat, barley and soybeans. By this above-mentioned conversion of political course Japan could increase use of paddy resources to 130%, recover the 1975 paddy crop-production level of over 14 million tons and make an advance towards reinforcement of the basis of food supply of Japan.




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