This study analyzes the impact of remittances on poverty in Nigeria, using data from the 2004 Nigerian
National Living Standard Survey (NNLSS). The paper used a multinomial logit model with instrumental
variables and the propensity score matching (PSM) method to estimate the impact of remittances on
poverty. The use of these methods was based on two reasons. The first is to control for the problems of
selectivity and endogeneity. The second is the fact that the implicit hypothesis of estimating the
expenditures of the counterfactual group, as done in some previous studies, is in similarity between the
group that receives remittances (treated) and the other that does not (untreated). The study finds that
both internal and international remittances reduce the incidence, depth and severity of poverty. The
statistical tests show a significant Average Treatment Effect on the Treated (ATT), due to internal and
external remittances. The receipt of internal remittances reduces the poverty headcount by 11.14% and
poverty gap by 9.7% while the receipt of international remittances makes poverty indices almost nil