This paper tries to analyze, based on the micro data of the
Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios (PNDA) – years 1992-1999
and 2001 – the share of the paid domestic service income between some
types of poor rural families that presented negative growing taxes in the
90s, showing that in different cases, the paid domestic service income
better explains the reduction of rural poverty than governmental transferences
(retirements and pensions). We made a brief analysis of the
evolution of different types of rural extensive families (and poor) in the
90s, besides a comparative analysis among the big regions of the country
with respect to the average and per capita incomes of different types of
rural families, adopting as reference 2001. We tried also to demonstrate
that the reduction of the poor rural families is due to, in this case, because
they are becoming non-occupied families, residents in the rural
areas, and not only because of agricultural exodus (substitution of the
agricultural activities for the non-agricultural activities) and/or rural-urban
exodus. To test these hypotheses, we adopted as reference the rural
poverty line created by Takagi et al (2001) – of U$ 1,08 – and the new
tipology of extensive families developed by the Projeto Rurbano.