During the transition period Poland achieved a rather quick rate of economic growth, exceeding 4.9% per annum. Inflation rate significantly decreased, even below the level observed in many EU countries. However, there were not only successes. Poland has reported very high, growing unemployment rate, beyond 20% of active labour force. Growth of the unemployment, in both rural and urban areas, is the main issue to be solved. Another important "hot " issue is income distribution. The period of economic transition in the post-communist countries, including Poland, brought about a considerable increase of income differentiation of the society. This differentiation applied to a greater extent to agriculture and rural population than to non-agricultural and urban population. In 1984 the Gini coefficient for all households was 0.240, but by 1998 it rose to 0.312 and for farmers these numbers were, respectively: 0.362 and 0.449.