

After the first global land reform for ownership transfer from large owners to peasants with no or little land, the irrational land use by able-bodied part-time and absent (particularly small) farmers earning higher off-farm income but unwilling to lease under-producing land beyond family consumption need to full-time farmers at low rents has become a world-wide obstacle. Full-time farmers have had to use tiny farms, cut forest for land, or quit agriculture. Many developing nations suffer under-production, while developed ones heavily subsidize farmers causing over-production and agricultural protectionism. The Doha Round in the World Trade Organization has been started in 2001, planned to complete in 2004, but blocked because the developed countries have agreed to substantially reduce agricultural subsidies, while claimed that this would cause farmers not to produce and loss of agriculture, and asked the developing countries to unaffordably open non-agricultural markets for compensation. Challenging Nobel laureate Theodore W. Schultz and nominee Albert Otto Hirschman, and improving the Western European and US laws, the author proposes to (1) give full-time farmers access to the under-producing land beyond family consumption need of part-time and absent farmers (Dual Land System); and (2) convert the environmentally sensitive land permanently to the nature after constant over-production. Keeping private land ownership, they could simultaneously (1) prevent protectionism, (2) over- and (3) under-production; (4) sustain full-time large and (5) part-time and absent small farmers; (6) reach cereals basic self-sufficiency; (7) promote multi-functionality of the other agricultural and rural sectors; and (8) improve the environment. Hence launching the second global land reform for rational and competitive use. Subsequently, the developed countries could abolish agricultural protectionism without losing agriculture, unnecessary for the developing countries to unaffordably open non-agricultural markets for compensation, reaching breakthrough in the Doha Round. The developing could also adopt them to solve the irrational land use and consequent problems. International responses: ‘Unique Way for a Breakthrough in WTO Doha Negotiations; Paramount, Core, Crucial issues; Great concern to all, Fully shares your concerns; Good analysis, Highly deserving, Great interest, Extremely interesting, Intriguing, Very valuable contribution, Very serious, Completely relevant, Thoughtful, Worthwhile, Well-written, Indeed important, Helpful, Useful, Constructive, Impressive, Admirable; Innovative, Non-conventional, Transcend the usual schemes, Novel, Inspirational; No alternatives; Appreciation, Compliments; Mandate to welcome, Warmly thank, Commend you; Make your topic to the international development agenda; Has taken full account of your theory, Encourage you to continue, We will continue to examine your ideas further, Bear them in mind when framing future policy proposals; You are a very valuable researcher.’




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