

A questionnaire was applied in Juárez city, Chihuahua; in order to evaluate the socioeconomic factors related to the consumption of bovine meat. It is a border city, located in the Northern border of Mexico, is contiguous with the city of the Paso, Texas, USA. 1,505 questionnaires to buyers from ten stores owned by a national chain of supermarkets randomly selected were applied to obtain the data. The measured variables were: type of meat, the cuts, the amount of consumption, place of purchase and reason of consumption, and indicators of quality related to the income, the structure and size of the family, level of study of the parents. The information was analyzed with the exact test of Fisher, in statistical package SPSS. The results showed that 85.4% of the families consume single bovine meat or in combination with another type of meat. Of this percentage, 41.7% combines it chicken meat, 27.9% with poultry and fish, 12.6% only consumes bovine meat and 16.7% consumes combined bovine meats,chicken, pig and/or fish. The consumption of fish meat represents 36.4% of the consumption of meats this reflects the effect of immigrations to this border. The 90.9% of the families lives in sectors classified like Popular and Economic, the 9.1%, belongs to the Average stratum. Considering the entire stratums, 57.3% consume bovine meat combined with chicken meat and fish, the 42.7% rest combines the consumption of bovine meats, chicken, pig and fish. There is a dependency between the income and the type of meat that is consumed (P<0.001), the 54.0% of the families perceive between $4.5 to $9.0 thousands pesos monthly 27.1% of thefamilies has an income between $10.5 and more than the $15.0 and 18.9% has an income of less than $3.0 thousands pesos and in this layer is where the combined consumption of bovine meat,chicken and fish predominates. The purchase of bovine meat is related to Familiar Tradition,the Readiness to cook and Price (46.3, 42.7 and 28.9%), there is a strong resemblance with reasons found in the four cities that were surveyed, so much in the rural cities as in the State Capital. The color and the consistency are strongly considered to evaluate the quality of the bovine meat; this also is similar to the criteria selected in the other cities. The purchase predominates of cut popular: like Ground special, Milanese, the seven Cutlet of and Pulp Ball; and in there is smaller amount of purchase of select cuts: Sirloin and T-bone. The purchases of select and popular cuts of bovine meat are realized in supermarkets in 83.9%.The consumed amount of meat of bovine by week is interrelated with the size of the family(P<0.001). 36.7% consume between 1 and 2 kg of beef by week, 34.4% consume more than 2kg and 28.9% consume 1 kg or less as large, 79.5% of the families have of 2 to 5 members. .82.1% of the times is the mother who decides the type of meat to buy, existing dependency between the level of studies of the mother and the amount consumed of bovine meat in a weekly basis. 59.9% of the mothers have elementary and high school equivalent studies, 40.2% have superior education (University) or medium superior levels of study (Junior college). This information can be used by the producers bovine meat that must know the market and be able to adjust their productive processes to the demands of the consumers to have greater participation in the benefits generated by the commercialization; developing alliances with the supermarket chains.




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