

The objective of this study was to explore the perception and attitude of consumers and organic producers of Ocelotl market from Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico. The main issues searched were with the purpose for consuming or producing organic products, main benefits received by consuming or producing organics and the extra payment that consumers would be willing to pay and farmers would be willing to receive for organic products. A survey based on questionnaire was applied during 2007 to consumers and farmers/sellers of organic products. A total of 20 consumers and 18 farmers/sellers were interviewed. This sample frame of consumers represents the 60% and nearly 90% of the whole farmers, respectively. Anova and correlation analyzes were performed. It was found that organic consumption is determined due to its health benefit (86%), environmental concern (31%), taste (26%), freshness (20%) and to be free of pesticides (3%). Statistical difference was found between willing to pay and food stipends by consumers. 69% agree and fully agree to give an extrapayment and 17% disagree and fully disagree on that. 61, 28 y 11% of the consumers were willing to pay 10%, 20% and 40% for organics. It was identified the main issues to improve cooperation among consumers, producers and local authorities.




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