Our overarching goal is to understand critical determinants of low-income elderly
Americans’ well being as measured by health status. We focus on whether and how
elderly health status is affected by FSP participation, food sufficiency and other
determinants. To do so we must first ascertain (1) why so few needy elderly households
choose to receive food stamps; (2) what determines their level of food insufficiency and
finally; (3) how FSP participation and food insufficiency link to each other and then to
health status. To meet our goal, we estimate and assess a unique econometric framework
applied to an analysis database created specifically for this project. The analysis data are
a subset of elderly households from the 2002 Health and Retirement Survey (HRS),
consisting of those eligible for food stamps. State-specific eligibility criteria were
obtained from the Urban Institute’s waiver database and from Center on Budget and
Policy Priorities publications. The econometric model is structured in two steps. In the
first, simultaneous multivariate Probit estimates of endogenous FSP participation and
food insufficiency equations are estimated. From the results, we calculate predicted
probabilities of participation and insufficiency for use in Step Two. This final step
involves Ordered Probit estimation of self-reported health status. Because predicted
variables from Step One are included as explanatory variables, we adjust the standard
errors of the Ordered Probit estimates to allow for accurate hypothesis testing. We
extend Murphy and Topel’s (1985) modification of standard errors for one predicted
variable to handle two such variables. After correcting the standard errors, some
coefficients lose their significance; most importantly, the positive coefficient for the
probability of FSP participation. The significant coefficients that remain are: food
insufficiency (+) income (-), widowed (+), Nonhispanic Black (-), exercise (-) and drink
alcoholic beverages (-).