

In the European Union member states (EU), it is necessary to evaluate hygienic condition of milk in order to determine milk price. Similar requirement was set by the Republic of Croatia in 2000. The Rulebook defines minimal quality criteria that fresh raw milk must have in order to be purchased. Upon completion of analysis, milk is classified into quality classes, each having a defined price. Increased value of somatic cell count (SCC) (higher than 400.000/ml) and MO (higher than 100.000/ml) directly decreases the raw milk price, while higher content of fat and protein causes its increase. Since the system of market milk price formation was established, producers have been stimulated to produce milk of higher quality: in a total of milk being purchased, the highest quality milk share increased from 23.3% to 34.2%. Referring to a trend of milk purchase price reduction in the EU, and considering the current high milk purchase price in Croatia, Croatian producers have an opportunity to improve conditions in milk industry before the country joins the EU. Current milk production needs to be increased and milk quality also needs to be improved, in order to make Croatian milk production more competitive on the European, as well as world market.




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