In the context of the Government’s Climate and Energy Strategy, it is estimated
that the primary use of wood-based fuels in Finland will be about 100
TWh by the year 2020. The overall target set for forest chips is 25 TWh.
The objective of the research carried out by Metsäteho Oy and Pöyry Energy
Oy was to produce as realistic as possible a total analysis of the possibilities
of increasing the use of solid wood-based fuels, and especially forest
chips, in Finland by 2020. The study showed that the growth objective set in
the Government’s Climate and Energy Strategy can be attained through the
supply and consumption of wood-based fuels. The emission trade had a
strong influence on the competitiveness of wood-based fuels and the use of
such fuels in energy plants. Increasing the proportion of wood-based fuels is
very difficult at the current pricing level of emission rights (about 15 €/t
CO2). Considering the huge resources required by the forest chip production
system and the current low competitiveness of forest chips, it is estimated
that the use of forest chips in Finland will reach the level of 20 TWh at the
earliest by the year 2020.